Helping Bees Flourish

One of ecofective’s foundations is providing effective garden care solutions that are not harmful to wildlife. Most importantly, we are proud to supply Bee friendly formulas so you can harness a safe environment for Bees whilst maintaining plants and produce.


Declining populations of Bees throughout the world has been a concerning development in recent years. The most vital benefit of Bees is they help promote the availability of food via pollination. Many British crops rely on Bees pollinating to achieve successful harvests. It is also vital to other animals such as birds, who need good harvests to make grains and seeds available.

Being the best natural pollinators around, Bees are great for your garden, helping plants and flowers to bloom. But the plants in your garden also benefit the bees, giving them nectar to boost their energy levels. Vitally, it is the pollen in plants that provides Bees with all key protein and fat for a balanced diet.


One contributor to the decline of Bees has been the use of pesticides on plants and crops. If garden care products with pesticides are sprayed onto plants this can be fatal for Bees in the garden. Greenpeace report that studies have shown that pesticides can affect bees’ navigational abilities and breeding success. This leads to a reduction in population of Bees.

Due to the harmful effect on Bees, ecofective strive to create Bee friendly formulas that are effective and pesticide free. This ensures a safe environment where bees will feel more welcome.


As well as being good for garden wildlife, ecofective® is child and pet safe. Therefore, all the family can benefit from the joy of more visiting Bees, who can boost plants and flowers and contribute to a more colourful garden. Here are some ecofective® Bee friendly formulas that will help your plants and produce thrive.

Keep bugs away with ecofective® Bug and Mildew Control. This a pesticide-free solution for use on flowers, fruit, vegetables, herbs, and ornamentals, both outside and undercover. It controls a wide range of pest species including whitefly, aphid, red spider mite, mealybug, scale, and psyllid.

Make your roses bloom with ecofective® Rose Defender. This is a ready to use pesticide-free spray which protects roses from bugs and powdery mildew whilst also nourishing the plant too. Working by physical mode of action, this product contains a blend of surfactants that stop the pests from moving and being able to feed.

Trigger your plants natural immunity with ecofective® Plant Disease Defence. This is a pesticide-free child and pet safe spray that contains natural extracts specifically derived from fungi. When sprayed onto leaves it is known to elicit the plants’ natural immune response. Therefore, this builds the plant’s resistance to common garden diseases.


It is more vital than ever for us to create safer pesticide free environments, helping your garden and our beloved Bees to flourish. Join us to help Bees survive!

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