Reduce waste with ecofective® refills

With the world facing a tough battle against reducing plastic waste, particularly with single used plastics, here at ecofective® we wanted to do our bit for the planet and come up with a solution to reduce the volume of plastic discarded after use.












During the summer (2020) we embarked on a voyage of discovery, conducting a virtual market research study into gardening habits with a willing group of gardeners who grow plants and produce in their gardens at home. It was from the results of this study it became apparent that now was the time to launch a waste reducing solution for using ecofective® products. We learned that over 85% of hobby gardeners looked to avoid using single use plastics and the same percentage were willing to use a refill packaging option to save waste if it was available.

These findings backed up development that had started earlier in 2020 within our product team for a 200ml refill bottle of concentrate that could be used to top-up the original ecofective® ready to use bottles once empty. This became the solution everyone needed, and we are now proud to launch ecofective® refills.


You can now reduce waste and reuse ecofective® original bottles with our ecofective® 200ml refill concentrate option, which is a concentrated formula that can be used to create a new ready to use formula in your existing ecofective® bottle. We have made these super easy to use, simply add the 200ml refill into the original bottle, top up with water and it’s ready to use again. This saves the need of throwing the larger bottle away. Instead, the 200ml recyclable bottle can be recycled, creating less impact to the recycling process and ultimately less waste for the planet.


All our best-selling spray bottles and feed options now have a refill option, which is due to save thousands of discarded ecofective® bottles each year. The refill options can be seen below, feel free to click on a product and have a browse.

By continuing to innovate and develop the ecofective® range we strive to deliver products that are safer for the family, good for garden wildlife such as butterflies, hedgehogs and bees and be kinder to the planet.